Create productive meetings, where people engage, remember and apply with visual notes.

Remember the last important meeting you had? Remember the awkward silence during discussions? How much did you remember from it? Probably not much. Visual notes make memorable and engaging meetings.


Virtual Recording



  1. Visual recording broadcast during the meeting 
  2. Assets given after the meeting
  3. Rates are per day, and are different in bulk

Live Recording



  1. In person visual recording on board or paper 
  2. Rates are per day, and are different in bulk

Live with assets after



  1. In person 
  2. Digital Assets given after so that your participants can remember best
  3. Rates are per day

Struggling to engage participants during important meetings? Here's why.

Most meetings engage listening and reading skills, with only some visual content. 

We don't realise that many attendees may need to visualise the content, and not just hear or read it. 

Slides can be fancy, but they are created before the meeting and not during the meeting. 

What's worse is that the great ideas and discussions during the meeting end up getting lost in all the verbal exchange. 

Important outputs during the meetings cannot be immediately visualised. 

You definitely can't make slides or visual content live. That's why you need visual facilitators who can visualise your discussion. 

Most participants don't even remember what was said. 

Isn't that sad? You organise such important meetings, conferences, and people don't even remember what was said. That's a real waste. 

why we exist

The value of meetings comes after the meetings.

It's not just turning up for the meeting, or even what happens during the meeting that matters. It's what happens after - where people apply, and do what they took away from the meetings. 

That's why we want to make the value of meetings last beyond just the meeting.

We make meetings productive. 

We do live visual recording, making meetings less boring. 

If you've been in meetings, you've probably sat through times where people fiddle with their phones, do their emails, and just don't discuss, or pay attention.

We make them better by actually giving participants something fun to look at. Cute pictures, interesting graphics, and everything that makes the meeting less boring. 

We visualise key discussion points so that people remember and take away points for their own business. 

In any meeting, there will be a few key discussion points that are vital to remember. We take note of those, and make sure that they are visualised so that people can use it in their own lives, after the meetings. 

We ensure that Key Learning Points become Reusable Learning Materials.

Ever went to a great meeting, and wondered what happened to all those pictures you took of the slides? You probably never used them again. We ensure that after the meeting, the resources are shared, simplified and made accessible to the participants. 

Here's an example. 

We worked with Mac-Nels, a global shipping company, to visualise their Annual Conference.

  1. 1
    Mac-Nels held their Annual Conference in Bangkok, bringing together 120 delegates from different countries to talk about their industry. We visualised their Board of Directors' Meeting to help the Directors to take key points away, and to start applying it. 
  2. 2
    For example, we helped them to visualise the key suggestions that were shared by delegates of other countries about how they improved the sale volumes in their own business. During the breaks, people were constantly engaged with the visuals, taking pictures and sharing these with their teams back home. 
  3. 3
    Participants were surprised by the quality of the visuals, and were mesmerised by the graphics done. It made the meeting memorable, and made it more than just the usual verbal sharing. Mac-Nels were so delighted that they asked for us to come back again. 

"It increased the quality of the output during, and after the meeting."

- John Lim, Mac-Nels 2024 meeting participant

How we are different from other graphic recorders

Yes, we know. There are many others out there in the market. 

Many graphic recorders are first artists, then facilitators. We are facilitators first, then artists.

Many graphic recorders start because they were interested in drawing, and then realised that this was a phenomenal way to make money. After all, where else can you make $1000, per day? 

We are trained in process facilitation, and have facilitated focus groups, strategic retreats for clients like Asian Development Bank. But we started graphic recording because we realised that along the way, meeting outputs were mostly text-based. We wanted to continue engaging participants in a different way. 

But because we are trained in facilitation, we can advise you on how to make your meeting have better outcomes, and not just look nice with fancy drawings. 

Many graphic recorders aren't technical experts. They draw well. Period. We take time to understand every topic we facilitate.

With Mac-Nels, I (John) spent 1 year shadowing the CEO, and trying to understand this whole idea of the non-vessel operating common carrier business. I learnt about the nuances and intricacies of the businesses, figured out how they made (and didn't make) money, and finally delivered a conference where participants took valuable insights away. 

We are laser focused on helping attendees to learn after the conference. 

You've spent thousands on putting the conference together. Somehow, we don't seem to spend much time thinking about how to continue the learning. We are laser-focused on pushing the content and visuals out, over and over again. Through your newsletters, your articles, we are focused on helping clients to help their teams learn - continuously. So that they apply what was covered. 
